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Valérie Emin

Par Valérie Emin - Dernière modification 17/06/2016 14:42

Research fellow, PhD in Computer Science, Grenoble University, nov. 2010

Valerie Emin

EducTice - Institut français de l'Éducation
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
15 parvis René-Descartes, BP 7000,
69342 Lyon cedex 07

Tel : +33 (0)4 26 73 12 52
Mail : valerie.emin[at]ens-lyon.fr

Professional Experiences

  • Since 2008, I'm a research fellow at IFE. I coordinate a research project on pedagogical scenario design in science and technique disciplines in synergy with other researches from EducTice team in the field of teacher training and learning game design. My current research topics are "Pedagogical scenarios design" and "Game based learning". I'm an associate member of GALA european network of excellence for Serious Games.

  • 2006-2010, PhD Student at LIG Laboratory and University Joseph Fourier – Grenoble - France, Thesis title: “A goal-oriented authoring approach for design, share and reuse of pedagogical scenarios” supervised by Viviane Guéraud and Jean-Philippe Pernin (LIG – MéTAH- Grenoble)


Research Fields

  • Technology Enhanced Learning Engineering
  • Learning design, Learning scenario, pedagogical patterns
  • Serious games, Game Based learning
  • Goal Oriented Requirements Engineering
  • Business process Engineering






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