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Chongyang WANG

Par Luc Trouche - Dernière modification 03/09/2019 15:09

Doctor in mathematics education

Chongyang Wang picture

Current position

From September 1st 2019, post-doc position in Beijing Normal University, team of Professor Cao Yiming.

Courriel: cy_wang5258@163.com -  Academia webpage -  CV to be downloaded


  • Feb. 2015 - Apr.2019: PhD French Institute of Education, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, and East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, majored in Mathematic Education, supervised by Luc Trouche and Binyan Xu - supported by the Chinese Scolarship Council (CSC)

    S2HEP laboratory, and EPIC doctoral school, Lyon University

  • Sep.2014-Feb.2015: half year PhD study in ECNU, Shanghai, China, majored in Mathematics Education
  • Sep. 2012 - Jun. 2014: Master study in ECNU, Shanghai, China, majored in Mathematics Education
  • Sep. 2008 - Jun. 2012: Bachelor study in Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China, majored in Education Technology 


Defense on April 26th 2019 at ENS de Lyon, France. Jury: Pr. Jiansheng Bao (ECNU), Pr. Lianghuo Fan (ECNU), Pr. Ghislaine Gueudet (University of Western Britany), Pr. Birgit Pepin (Eindhoven University of Technology), Pr. Sophie Soury-Lavergne (ENS de Lyon), Pr. Luc Trouche (ENS de Lyon) & Pr. Binyan Xu (ECNU).

Title : An investigation of mathematics teachers’ documentation expertise and its development in collectives: two contrasting cases in China and France 

(slides) (video of the defense)

[Une étude de l’expertise documentaire des professeurs de mathématiques et de son développement dans des collectifs : deux études de cas contrastées en Chine et en France - 数学教师的文献纪录专长的中法案例研究:构成及其在集体工作环境下的发展]

Abstract: In a time of fast technology development and frequent curriculum reform, the abundance of instructional resources brings teachers both chances and new complexity. This study aims at exploring mathematics teachers’ expertise required for, and developed in, interacting collectively with resources. Since expertise is contextualized, this research is designed as case study in two contrasting contexts (China and France). Based on Documentational Approach to Didactics and Cultural-historical Activity Theory, the study proposes a framework of mathematics teachers’ expertise interacting with resources, which is named as Documentation Expertise (DE). Efforts are made in two steps: a first DE framework based on literature review and pilot study, a refined framework after two contrasting cases analysis. Three questions are explored: What is DE? How is DE developed through collective work? What can be learnt for acquiring DE through the two cases? The study is based on a methodology of reflective investigation, and adapts tools of interviews, observation and video analysis. Results: (1) DE is evidenced from (i) a static dimension on resource system’s structure and components, DE develops in deliberately keeping the resource system lived by bridging resource design with considerations on didactics, curriculum and students; (ii) a dynamic dimension on schemes in resource system maintenance and resource work, DE develops in integrating the resources with a broad view in searching, critical attitude in selecting, flexible way in adapting, and automatically habit in accumulating. (2) Collective work benefits DE development, especially collective lesson design, where resources and the schemes of usage are specifically discussed concerning the specific situations. (3) Inspiration contains institutional construction for teacher collective work (Chinese case), and high-quality online-resources (French case).

Abstract in French and in Chinese

Research projects 

Working as an assistant of research in: 


Papers in journals

  • Trouche, L., Gueudet, G., Pepin, B., Rocha, K.M., & Wang, C. (in progress, to be published in 2020). Transition to digital resources as a critical process in mathematics teachers' documentational trajectory. In Thomas, M., Clark-Wilson, A., & Robutti, O. (Eds), Teaching with Digital Technology, special issue of ZDM Mathematics Education, 20(7).

  • Trouche, L., Gitirana, V., Miyakawa, T., Pepin, B., & Wang, C. (2019). Studying mathematics teachers’ interactions with curriculum materials through different lenses: towards a deeper understanding of the processes at stake. International Journal of Educational Research 93, 53-67. Availabe online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijer.2018.09.002

  • Pepin, B., Xu, B., Trouche, L., & Wang, C. (2017). Developing a deeper understanding of mathematics teaching expertise: Chinese mathematics teachers’ resource systems as windows into their work and expertise. Educational Studies in Mathematics 94(3), 257-274. Available online: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10649-016-9727-2

Chapters in books



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