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Training courses and study days 2009-2010

by Editeur général last modified 2012-11-22 16:45

Events organised by the team in 2009-2010

Training courses

The training for trainers is one of the missions of INRP. The Training Department of the institute offers various internships related to the activities of the teams and to institutional expectations. This year, two types of internships are offered :  modules of two or three days long and sessions of four or five days long, which can be divided into modules of two or three days.

For 2009-2010, EducTice developed training courses on the basis of their own themes, combining different viewpoints (different disciplines, practitioners and researchers, designs and uses, didactics and computer science). The training courses take place in bâtiment Buisson, IFE, ENS Lyon, but they can also be duplicated and take place in other areas.

List of the offered training courses :

  • Design of experimental protocols and investigation approach in the teaching of Experimental Sciences
  • Design and uses of teaching scenarios with ICT
  • Creation of a training activity from a Pairform@nce path
  • Training teachers in Physical Sciences and Mathematics : Analysis and design tools, implementation of teaching and training situations

To subscribe, see INRP Training Department website.


Study days

Study days are meetings between different actors in Education (researchers, practitioners, regional directors of education...) on the research projects driven the team. These study days take place in INRP Lyon-Gerland.

List of the offered study days :
  • Experimentation of renovated education in Science by teachers in 10th grade classes
  • Learning, teaching, training in Mathematics : what are the consequences on resources ?

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