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The team's research themes

Par Editeur général - Dernière modification 08/06/2020 14:28

EducTice-S2HEP team's research comes in specific actions, structured around different themes.

Investigation approaches in Science and Mathematics. Continuities and ruptures.

This theme explores the continuities and the ruptures in teaching and learning based on investigation. These continuities and ruptures have been questioned longitudinally, from nursery to secondary school, transversely, from a scientific discipline to another but also from a perspective of the tools and the resources that have been mobilized.

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Teachers' Professional development in the digital era

Digital technology paves the way for new possibilities of sharing between teachers and represents a new issue related to new expectations of Institution and to the proliferation of the resources that are available on the internet. Our team has acquired expertise in analyzing resources, including quality questions, about pedagogical scenarios, more generally about teachers' collective work on resources.

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Geomatics tools (Geographic Information System, virtual globes, global positioning systems, geosocial games...) have spread quite quickly through Education and training. Research workers have been questioning innovative approaches in terms of systems, investigation, resolution of problems that can support the development of disciplinary and transverse uses.

Games and learning

Serious games for learning development, in and out of School.

In a background marked by a widening gap between youth digital culture on one side and school and university culture on the other side, the introduction of gaming in educational practices has been supported with enthusiastic speeches and high institutional expectations. The team has started to work on the use of serious games for Education and has developed an expertise in this area.

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Dynamic Mathematics

Digital technology allows new representations of objects, new actions on these representations, with high consequences on learning situations and on conceptualisation. Our team has acquired a recognized expertise, particularly in dynamic geometry.

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Innovative pedagogical scenarios

The theme of Innovative pedagogical scenarios questions innovative pedagogical practices integrating ICT (Information and Communication Technology) from a perspective of the process products of learning situations. Conducted in collaboration with people on the ground (teachers, trainers, pedagogical engineers,...), the work aims at designing and/or collecting teaching scenarios using ICT, setting them up in order to explore and analyse them, and think about sharing. The formalisation of these scenarios is based on ISiS model and scenario editor ScenEdit.

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